Wednesday, April 26, 2006


one fine afernoon, i asked my friend, "what is time ? define time"...
she wondered, "why?"
i said, "just do it"
she was left thinking for a while... and then came, "one moment to another, is time."

simple ... wasn't it ?
one moment to another. a mensurable metric. a scale was taken for granted, two points were marked on it, and the distance between was marked as the timespan. end of story.

but, is it that simple ? think again. so many things depend on time. its a basic unit, with mass, length and temperature. there are only four basic entities... everything else, is derived. speed, force, pressure, energy... everything!!!

okay, set apart schoolbook science. lets take a peek into the real world.why do we have to measure time ? why does everyone have to follow the same scale ? have u ever wondered that there are different units for length, mass and temperature, but the entire world follows the same unit for time.theres foot and meter for length. theres pound and gram for mass. theres centigrade and fahrenheit for temperature... but, theres only SECOND for time, everywhere!!! why all of us have agreed to bind ourselves to a timeframe ? why at all do we need to measure time ? we cannot hold time. we cannot alter it, stretch it or shrink it, cut it, touch it, add it, subtract it, compare it.... then why do we need to measure it ? we cannot undo or redo.... create or erase time.

i am pretty confused. i myself do not know how to put what i am thinking of. i cant quantify my perception of time. its not something that you can see, or show. we invented the clock to crystallise the measurement of time. but, clock again, doesnt measure time directly. its just a device with a constant rotational velocity, and the angular distance travelled by it gives an indication of time. for quartz watches, it depends on crystals with fixed oscillation frequency and the number of oscillations done under a particular voltage gives an indication of time.
we CAN NOT measure time directly.
in fact, we cant even measure length and time directly. length is measured by comparing the object in concern to a predefined object like the ruler, or the measuring tape. mass is measured by comparing it with some standard object like the iron weights. in free space, we can measure nothing.

what exactly am i talking about ??

i m m a t e r i a l

what do i want ?
let me tell you again...
and this time, the fancy has no bounds.

  1. force : I want to have a control on the forces. Most importantly, the gravitational force. I want to take control of the momentum of all tangible objects without touching them. I want to be able to exert force on the matter and on myself. In short, "remote control"... crazy.. isnt in ? Must be the effect of too many sci-fi movies.
  2. energry : I want to be able to absorb, or dissipate any form of enery around me. And, to convert any form of energy to any other, at my convenience.
  3. morph : That is to say, the feature of my existence. The ME that I am, the basic thing should, however, remain same. I dont really want to alter the properties of the matter that constitutes my physical being... but, I want this matter to change, into some form of energy, if needed. Mass-Energy conversion ? May be thats what I'm talking about... "dematerialization". Say, for example, I want to pass through the walls. Now, we all know the matter is mostly void. there are huuuuuge empty spaces between atoms and even within atoms. So much so, that other atoms can pass through, if they have resonant bond energies. In short, I want myself to be convertible to some form of energy which is permeable through any matter, and regain the material form once I'm through. Vice the Versa, matter should be permeable through me, if needed. The higher level application of this wish is "teleportation".
  4. thought : Our mind radiates energy which we can use to communicate. This hasn't been proved, but I want to exploit this possibility. The so called "thought waves", or the "telepathy"... I wish I can improvise on that.
  5. (any hollywood producer reading this ? i guess i've given u enuff ideas for the next superhero blockbuster.. ha ha !!... this list is not concluded yet... keep watching)....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

m a t e r i a l

what do i want ?
i had jotted down the necessities in my life in a blog sometime back...
but this time, the list is more fanciful than being limited to mere necessities.
it might look like an useless blog...
of course, it will look like an useless blog.. it IS an useless blog :))
anyways, no more kidding, let me just jot down the stuff.
PS: please don't blame me, if I sound toooooo selfish :D

  1. residence: A studio apartment... with xxxtra large windows. This comes with quite a number of IF's and BUT's... let me specify. If in a city, this apartment should be in a very tall building, overlooking a wide network of roads, or beside a river, or a seashore (this reminds me of mumbai esp). I'd have liked greens around my dwelling, but that'd push me to suburbs where it wouldn't be in a tall building but right on the ground, engulfed by wide lawns on all sides, and streets beyond lawns on any two sides.
  2. transport: As long as I am single, I'd prefer a bike. A two wheeler, yes. How about a Ducati ? ha ha... just kidding !!!
  3. entertainment: A very powerful Desktop (and i mean VERY powerful, def Dual Core), with as many accessories as you can think of (Dolby Sound card, Nvidea Gfx card, TV-Tuner card etc)... and an OHP (no, I'm not satisfied with monitors)... and a recriprocating sound system. I want to buy a good synth some day.
  4. food: A BIG fridge (don't ask me how big, haven't decided yet)... something that'll cater to my needs, but I'm a bit foggy about this, as I don't know my needs yet. I'll be more specific once I have the money to buy :)) ... In addition to the fridge, I want neat and up-to-date kitchen appliances (I have no idea about, coz I don't cook.. but I WANT to), and "whatever" is "necessary" (once again, I'll be more specific when I learn to cook :D)
  5. dress: No... I am not very particular about this. I dont want anything superfancy, or of expensive brands. Anything casual will do. Simple kurtas, t-shirts, jeans, pajamas n stuff.. anything that I'm comfortable in, but doesn't look shabby. I seriously want to stay away from designer gorgeous stuff.
  6. furniture: A chair.... adjustible in every possible way you can think of, fitted with rollers of course. No bed, but a huge mattress on the floor.... big enuff to hold 3-4 times myself (dont worry, I am gonna sleep alone in that, at least till.... u know :D). I don't want my apartment cluttered with funiture... no tables except the one supporting my Desktop comp, and no chair other than the one in front of the comp table. No sofas, no couches... all will be replaced by mattresses of different shapes n sizes on the floor. The floor has to be spotless clean (leave your shoes outside). There might be an almirah and some wallracks (bare minimum, just enuff to hold all that i can't place on the floor). And there has to be a big mirror (6" tall by 8" wide, covering a big part of a wall).
  7. sports: SWIMMING POOL !!! Nothing could be better. Not my personal pool (the maintenance will hurt), but a big one in some nearby club, with no time constraints :))
  8. (to be continued)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


i just believe in god.
rather, in goodness. not a deity, or something like that. though i have nothing against any deity or any form of rituals or anything, and i pay my share of respect to all the gods and cults.

but, honestly, god is nothing but goodwill. its just us... a force within us, the conscience. if we cud follow our conscience and stick to our principles, we woudnt need religions, we wouldnt need prayers.
worshipping is nothing but an act invented by some intelligent ppl to tell the common man to believe in the good.
prayer, is again nothing, but an act that strengthens the willpower, invokes hope, and tells us to move on, coz theres light at the end of the tunnel

the common man is vulnerable, he is afraid. he needs a belief that if something goes wrong, someone will take care of it. thats why the concept of God was invented.. to help him identify his inner strength. that feeling, "chalo, humein jo karna hai, wo karte to hain,... aage bhagwaan bharose".. its actually not bhagwaan bharose, its his own self bharose. if he were afraid to take the step, he'll never reach his goal, but now that he has taken the step, he'll do whatever is necessary to succeed. we often are diffident, and dont dare enough. this is where the concept of god helps.

but, man learns by two methods, reward and punishment. God.. was also invented to invoke the fear of punishment. to stop ppl from doing evil. if ppl listen to their conscience, they'll never do evil, and hence no need for fearing God. but ppl dont have the insight. they do what they shouldnt, KNOWING that they shouldnt be doing it. its then, that the fear of god comes into play. god was declared omnipresent, omnipotent, to suggest the common man that his wrong doing can never be hidden, that he cannot escape his guilt... theres someone watching you, always. so better not commit anything wrong.

you adopted Krishna in ur mind. but He has nothing to teach you. its already there within you, He is just showing it to you. she adopted Durga. she derives her powers from her belief in the deity, the power that she already has.

God is not an external source. its within us.
WE are our gods. Our principles, the inner voice, our faith is our God.