Wednesday, March 29, 2006

(Why) not writing a blog

kyonki sunne waalon ki kami nahi hai....

i am blessed with a company of all possible colours.

when i am happy, i have lads i can bang into whose room and we can shriek at the top of our voices to exclaim.
when i am sad, i have pals who would just be there, and their silent nod and a soft thud on my back would take all my pain away.

when i rise, i have mates who would give me wings to brave the wind.
when i fall, i will still have an angel wrap me up and keep me warm.

when theres noise inside that i wanna blurt out...
when theres a loud laughter thats waiting to burst out...
when its a moment of peace, or a moment of unrest,
whether i am tired, drowsy, and drenched with my loneliness, or up n running, cutting my way through the rocks...
whether in flights of fantasy, or shackals in dungeon,
i have always had friends, who would lend me an ear...
a hand that would touch my shoulder and wipe my tear.
no one's a stranger, i never ran out of friends...
may be thats where my need for a blog ends.

not writing a blog

do what you think and say what you feel, coz those who mind, dont matter and those who matter, dont mind....

since time immemorial we have been craving for freedom of expression.
each one of us has something to say, needs someone who wud listen.. and just listen without being judgemental, without imposing an opinion.

theres a sigh that we'd like to heave, a tear that we'd like to drop. a hurt that wouldnt heal, but we'd like to reveal it to someone, with an expectation that the pain would be numbed, even if for a little while, by the useless but sympathetic words of a friend.

if we read a joke in the middle of a lonely highway, we'd like to rush to the nearest town to find someone to share it with and have a good laugh. even our prized possessions that we wudnt wanna share with anyone, we'd like to show it to people and feel proud about it.

be it grief or ecstasy... humor or vanity... shame or victory... we need someone to share with.

but not all of us lucky enough to find this "someone" to talk to.
a patient listener, an understanding ear is a rare treasure. and though we all look for someone to talk to, we cant just talk to anyone... and nor do we want our words to fall on wrong ears.
but we want a way out... so we revert to conversations with strangers... ppl who wud listen, and might comment, might misinterprete our notions... but without serious consequences.
if they give a damn to what we have to say, fine. if not, we dont have to worry about what they say in turn. perhaps this gave rise to "blogs".

but i have my reasosn for not writing a blog...
its time for you to guess why i WOULDNT write a blog.

i'll let you know.... soon.
till then.. keep guessing
(its an obvious reason, the MOST obvious one, its just the opposite of the reason for writing a blog).

Monday, March 20, 2006

there are angels on this earth... there sure are

this is what an angel told me today...

if i could hug you.......i would
if i could love you ...i already do
if i could thank you....words are not enough
if i could pray for you.....i need not for i know HE gives you the best
if i could give you.......would give you anything you ask for

for now.......i am in tears...
tears of gratitude and love ...tears of joy and sunshine
tears.....that are pearls...for they flow for has made my life fragrant just by being there........

may the peace and joy i experience by the mere thought of your being..............also be graced on you manifold by the lovely souls who touch u now and always......

lost in peace and oneness of our beings


thank you ritu didi...
if i could thank you... words are not enough !!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

on proving grounds

its good to quarrel sometimes....
#1. it shows your ability to handle yourself.
#2. it shows the other persons ability to handle you.
#3. and finally when you make up, IF you do, it shows the depth of the relation.

you SHOULD fight with your loved ones once in a while...
but never forget to patch up.
its a test of time. if you fail to patch up, you have lost the test.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


bura mat kaho, bura mat suno, bura mat dekho....

naah... doesnt sound good enough. makes me feel like an ostrich that burries its head in the sand during the storm, and feels safe, coz it cant see the storm. but the damage is done.

i am too little to challenge the principles of the great man. there must be some truth which i fail to see in the line i quoted... but, as of now, i have enough reasons to contradict.

bura mat kaho
yeah, agreed. theres no pleasure in foulmouthing. a voluptuous slang doesnt establish your dominance, it proves the weakness of your logic that you are trying to hide by creating an agitation, a distraction. it proves your disappointment and your disgust, thereby exposing ur vulnerability to your opponent, giving him the chance to exploit ur tension thru the subsequent mistakes that you wud be making.
apart from this materialistic arguement, we also know a sweet tongue can often get a job done much faster than a threatening. courtsey has its own value... and none of us would like to deny.
BUT... theres a limit to docility. pursuit for peace shouldnt render you meek. there will be times when raising your voice becomes an absolute necessity. there are times when you need to call a spade a spade. to retain your calm is a virtue, but not at the cost of your dignity.
tum hamari chotiyon ki barf ko yun mat kuredo..
dehekta lava hriday mein hai, ki hum jwalamukhi hain.
and hence, there are times when we need to spit fire.

bura mat suno
now THAT is what i would call escapism. what are you afraid of ?
if there are bad things being said, LISTEN to it... for two reasons.
#1. those things might not be true. you would learn to distinguish between truth and rumor. and once u discover that those things werent true, you would know that the speaker was lying. in the process, you have discovered a man whose words you shudnt believe just like that.
#2. those things might be true. the world is an imperfect one, and theres danger everywhere. and when something bad is being said, it will serve as a warning (if the things being said are true). its an important information. you'd know where to be careful. in the process, u will discover a man who will equip you with correct apprehensions.
BUT... please note, that i am asking you to listen to what is being said, and not believe it immediately. dont pollute yourself with all the shit thats poured into your ears. before you can actually reap the benefit of listening to such a thing, you should have developed enough integrity in yourself to be unaffected by it.
achchha suno.. it will teach you what to do.
bura bhi suno... it will teach you what NOT to do, and THAT isnt any less important.

bura mat dekho
you seriously believe ignorance is bliss ? you must be an ostrich then :)
prepare yourself to face the evil. dont run from it. you can never run far enough.
better face it, fight it. thats the only way you can overcome it.

enough preaching against the old man's saying. i have more often than not been a disbeliever in him.
but, let me tell you something. i hated his ahimsa principle, and i was able to put forth similar sincere arguements to prove him wrong. but one day a frnd casually uttered... "a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye,.. and the whole world would be blind some day".
vengeance isnt a solution. i now believe it. if the damage is done, spend ur energy in reparing it, rather than causing more damage.

so, even though i wrote a lot against the three monkeys, i am still searching for a deeper meaning, which will tell me that the old man was right.
and i fear that someday i'll discover the more profound side of his saying, and will be ahamed of all what i wrote now, out of incomplete experience, out of lack of farsight.
if you have discovered, enlighten me, please.